Rolighedsvej City Campus, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark

  • Typ obiektu:
  • Budownictwo mieszkaniowe
  • Parkingi wielopoziomowe
  • Obiekty szkolnictwa i kultury
  • Budynki biurowe
Pełny ekran Zamknij

The vision is to create a city campus – Rolighedsvej City Campus, which will become a part of Frederiksberg Campus and will help develop Frederiksberg as a city of knowledge.

In the coming years Rolighedsvej City Campus will pop up from the ground between Rolighedsvej, Bülowsvej, Åboulevarden and “The Green pathway”. In this place will be established student housings, special housings for young researchers and entrepreneurs, family housings, a new Prince Henrik’s school, a new sports hall and a green recreational area.

Peikko Denmark has contributed to the two new buildings UMEUS with 7 storeys of student housing and NOLI with 6 storeys of housing for young researchers and entrepreneurs. For these two buildings Peikko Denmark has contributed with design knowledge and bolted connections to create moment-resisting connections in the frame structure. In the court yard are two houses, respectively 1 and 4 storeys, with student housing and a café. Underneath all these buildings is a continuous underground parking lot, with technical installations and multiple spaces for optional use. Underneath the basement are the foundations, where Peikko Denmark has assisted with designing and delivery of PSB® Punching Reinforcement for optimizing of the foundation thickness.

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Informacje o projekcie

Wielkość projektu:
20900 m2
Generalny Wykonawca:
CG Jensen ApS
Biuro konstrukcyjne:
EFFEKT Arkitekter ApS
Zakład prefabrykacji:
Industribeton A/S
Rok realizacji dostaw:
Zakończenie budowy:


Henrik Harder

Henrik Harder



Mob. +45 2093 4726
[email protected]